Funny in Farsi

Funny in Farsi Book Cover

Funny in Farsi: A Memoir of Growing Up Iranian in America
By: Firoozeh Dumas

Dumas allows us a look into life in America as an Iranian (at least growing up in the 70s and 80s.) With similar humor to Lauren Graham (Talking as Fast as I Can), she tells us of things lost in translation, her father's comical and generous endeavors, adventures in American foods, and more.

It was interesting to read more of the differences between the Persian and American culture beyond just religious differences. Even though I disagree with her religion, I enjoyed reading her memoir and was very entertained by her stories.

She reminds us that how you treat someone, no matter their beliefs, can have a profound affect on someone. Especially, I think, immigrants. I can only imagine what it would be like to try to live and function in a new country so different from my own- a little help and genuine kind words go a long way.

My only critiques are: I wish she had included more pictures to help us visualize her family, culture, and life. And I wish the chapters had a little more chronological flow to them. I have no problem with each chapter capturing a different topic, experience, or thought. I actually prefer memoirs written in this style. But jumping back and forth between her childhood and her married life felt a little too disjointed.

It's such a fast, light read, that everyone should pick up this book and meet Firoozeh and her funny family!

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